Pistachio Pastry Cream

Pistachio Pastry Cream


    • 700g - Rice drink
    • 120g - Sugar
    • 60g - Gelcrem Hot
    • 1,5g - Salt
    • 7g - Natur Emul
    • 100g - Pistachio paste
    • 40g - Deodorized coconut fat
    • 15g - Sunflower oil

Prepared by

    1. Mix together the sugar, salt and Gelcrem.
    2. Separately, mix the pistachio paste, sunflower oil, coconut fat and Natur Emul.
    3. Mix the dry ingredients with the plant-based drink and cook until it comes to the boil, whisking all the while.
    4. Take it off the heat and add the fat-based ingredients mixed with the Natur Emul.
    5. Mix thoroughly until the cream is smooth and homogenous.

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