Basil Sponge

Basil Sponge


    • 220g - Sugar
    • 45g - Cremsucre Sosa ingredients
    • 250g - Pastry flour
    • 10g - Bicarbonate of soda
    • 7g - Ground freeze-dried basil
    • 30g - Potatowhip Sosa ingredients
    • 350g - Water
    • 60g - Sunflower oil
    • 1g - Salt

Prepared by

    1. Using a hand blender, mix the water and Potatowhip for 1 minute.
    2. Beat the mixture with an electric whisk, gradually add in the sugar and keep beating until you have a firm meringue texture.
    3. Separately, mix the Cremsucre with the oil. Incorporate them into the meringue.
    4. Add the sifted ground basil and bicarbonate into the flour mixture using a flexible spatula.
    5. Spread the mixture out onto a baking tray and bake for approx. 12 minutes at 345°F (175°C).

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